Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 20: Free Time

Finally! I haven't had much lately, and what am I doing in this free time? My bio research project thingy that is due in two weeks while listening to Julia Nunes. I'm prolly just gonna get all the info I can from this one website and then finish up any other reading I have to do for bio so I can read until I got to sleep. :)

Peeps seems really cool, especially cause you get to learn about actual parasites as well as getting a great story. :)

And today is 420. So I guess today is a good a day as any to talk about my hatred for smoking, alcohol, and drugs. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against people who do enjoy these things, I just personally hate them. Let's start with alcohol, I personally hate it because of stuff that has happen in my life. If it's moderation, whatever, but it's when people choose to drink themselves sick or they choose to do something stupid like drink or drive that I hate it. It's fine when it's a couple drinks with friends or whatever, but when you do stuff like that, it's not about you anymore. You're affecting so many more people. With drinking and driving it's obvious you're risking the lives of anyone with you and anyone on the road. And when poeple drink themselves sick, that affects everyone around you. Your family and friends, don't you think they deserve to see you happy and healthy?
And I suppose that stuff can be applied to drugs as well. I just don't see what the point of doing that to you body is. Is it really so great to mess up you body and mind? Stuff can be addicting and you may not even now you're getting addicted. It's just I don't know it seems pretty stupid to me.
Lastly smoking. There's a quote from John Green's book Looking for Alaska. "Y'all smoke to enjoy it, I smoke to die. " That's from so I'm hoping it's right. Anyways can't remember if this was a video or a blog by John or someone else (I'm like 95% sure it was John), but he says in this day and age with all the information there is about cigarettes I think everybody smokes to die. (Well something like that). Anyways I kind of agree with that. My bio teacher was saying that smoking isn't at all relaxing. All those chemicals do is add to your stress. The only relaxing thing that may occur is your nicorette craving gets filled so you're not constantly thinking about it.

Again I have nothing against people who enjoy these things, there are some great people I know that do. That's just my opinion and part of the reason why I stay away from them.

So that's all for now. :)

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