Thursday, April 30, 2009

Last Day!

Okay, so yes I forgot to post the last few days and the posts from before haven't been so great either, so I'm sorry. But I've had no time. D:
School work gets in the way >.<
But yes, so it's been good, and I'm finally on blogger :P
I will continue to blog, but only when I have the time, so it may be reallyy random. :)
It's raining. :) I like rain, I may have mentioned that before, but I can't remember. :P
I finished Peeps! And I love it! :D It's really cool, especially the info on parasites :P
And now I'm reading Catcher in the Rye. :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 26:

Hello all, I'm tired. D:
And I have a research paper due Friday, cept I didn't realize it was due Friday until yesterday and I've been super busy all weekend.
But yesterday's interview went well I think. Anyways I have to fill out an app to get into the program at the hospital, who only pick 3 people from my school board for the summer. >.<
So hopefully I get in. Otherwise it'll be at a clinic where I'll pretty much just be doing filing.
So yeah.
And Henry's party was cool. Chuck E. Cheese was different from what I remember, but it was still pretty cool. :P
And there was the nagar kirtan for Vaisakhi today and it was awesome, like it is every year. I love going there. :)
Gah, need to do more bio, byee!

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Sorry I was busy and now I feel sick and I'm tired and I can't sleep in tomorrow
so goodnight.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Day 24: sorry.

Yes, I know I missed yesterday, I was kinda busy thoughh, sorrryyy.
Nothing particularly exciting happen yesterday, it was just busy.
Grey's Anatomy was on, and it was pretty good. :)
Today was good. Got to hang out with friends afterschool which is always fun. :D
Uhhh, gah I have no time because I have interview tomorrow which I'm freaking out about and then a party to go to which I need to wrap the present, write a message in the card, and pick out what i'm wearing. And I still need to do homework!
Soooo much to dooo. D:

So that shall be all for today, I promise there will be a longer better blog tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day 22: Happy Earth Day! :D

Yaaay, hopefully you did good stuff for the Earth, or you atleast didn't do anything too horrible. :P

Kay so I'm not gonna talk about the speech or world domination today, instead I'm going to talk about another quote from Looking For Alaska, which is by John Green.
"Those awful things are survivable, because we are as indestructible as we believe ourselves to be. When adults say, "Teenagers think they are invincible" with that sly, stupid smile on their faces, they don't know how right they are. We need never be hopeless, because we can never be irreparably broken. We think that we are invincible because we are. We cannot be born, and we cannot die. Like all energy, we can only change shapes and sizes and manifestations. They forget that when they get old. They get scared of losing and failing. But that part of us greater than the sum of parts cannot begin and cannot end, and so it cannot fail. "

And isn't it true? We do think we're invincible. Nothing bad will ever happen to us right? But it does, it happens to us all the time. And it's not exactly what John is saying in this quote I think. What I think he's saying is that we are much better and faster at getting through the rough patches because we're so young and think everything will be fine again. Idk, now I'm kinda starting to confuse myself, but back to the invicible thing, the point I'm trying to make is that when stuff happens to people chances are they were thinking it would never happen to them. That girl with lung cancer thought she'd never get it because well it'll never happen to HER. That boy who died in the car accident didn't think anything would happen if he was going just a little over the speed limit. We do things that are extremely stupid because we think nothing's gonna happen to us. But it can happen to us.

Now I'm not saying you should go live in a bubble, but just be aware and know that it can happen. Cause you've got to take risks, but you can't go risking your life at every turn. It's all about finidng that balance. :)

So today's culturefest performance was goodish. Honestly, it's been much better in past years. And I think it was a mistake getting rid of booths. But oh, well, they can do whatever they want I guess.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day 21: D:

'Tis super late cause I need to get ready for bed and I wanna get some reading done before I sleep. Learning about all these parasites is awesome! :P
I still need to do some math homework. lsjaogsjd;fajsl;d
But I don't have math tomorrow :D
So I'll that 'till then. :)
And uhhh, there may be more to come on Dillon and world domination soon. We shall see. :P
Culturefest tomorrow. I'm excited. :D
And uhhhhhhh, what am I forgetting to say.
Right check out this awesome speech made by David Foster Wallace, I shall comment on it tomorrow.
Sound good?
And uhh, I think I'm gonna start doing that taking quotes or random speeches or whatever and talking about them. A lot will most likely be from John Green's books.
Also I'm beginning to compose a list of books I need to read. I already have waaay too many on the list. D:
Kay that's all for now. Byeeee.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 20: Free Time

Finally! I haven't had much lately, and what am I doing in this free time? My bio research project thingy that is due in two weeks while listening to Julia Nunes. I'm prolly just gonna get all the info I can from this one website and then finish up any other reading I have to do for bio so I can read until I got to sleep. :)

Peeps seems really cool, especially cause you get to learn about actual parasites as well as getting a great story. :)

And today is 420. So I guess today is a good a day as any to talk about my hatred for smoking, alcohol, and drugs. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against people who do enjoy these things, I just personally hate them. Let's start with alcohol, I personally hate it because of stuff that has happen in my life. If it's moderation, whatever, but it's when people choose to drink themselves sick or they choose to do something stupid like drink or drive that I hate it. It's fine when it's a couple drinks with friends or whatever, but when you do stuff like that, it's not about you anymore. You're affecting so many more people. With drinking and driving it's obvious you're risking the lives of anyone with you and anyone on the road. And when poeple drink themselves sick, that affects everyone around you. Your family and friends, don't you think they deserve to see you happy and healthy?
And I suppose that stuff can be applied to drugs as well. I just don't see what the point of doing that to you body is. Is it really so great to mess up you body and mind? Stuff can be addicting and you may not even now you're getting addicted. It's just I don't know it seems pretty stupid to me.
Lastly smoking. There's a quote from John Green's book Looking for Alaska. "Y'all smoke to enjoy it, I smoke to die. " That's from so I'm hoping it's right. Anyways can't remember if this was a video or a blog by John or someone else (I'm like 95% sure it was John), but he says in this day and age with all the information there is about cigarettes I think everybody smokes to die. (Well something like that). Anyways I kind of agree with that. My bio teacher was saying that smoking isn't at all relaxing. All those chemicals do is add to your stress. The only relaxing thing that may occur is your nicorette craving gets filled so you're not constantly thinking about it.

Again I have nothing against people who enjoy these things, there are some great people I know that do. That's just my opinion and part of the reason why I stay away from them.

So that's all for now. :)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Day 19: haircut

I'm soooo not gonna do well on the two tests I have tomorrow D:
Okay I prolly will, but right now I feel very unprepared and stupid for not spending more time studying. >.<
I'm just going to be very glad when they're over.

Anyways, I got a haircut today :D
I didn't want a whole lot off cause I plan on growing it, I think I said that before, but w.e. Yeah, so I didn't want too much off, but lately the length of my hair has been really annoying me, so I'm guessing he thought I said I wanted 3 inches off, and he was asking me to be sure and I just said yeah. Cause, why not? And I'm very happy with it right now. :)
I also got my side bangs and layers redone cause they grew out a looong time ago.

But yeah, so I'm gonna go back to freaking out about bio and math now.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Day 18: Gifts!

I fail miserably at blogging everyday, but I did try last night. Except the minute I went to blog my internet decided not to work, so there was no blog.

Anyways, Monday is my friend Henry's birthday, and it's also exactly one month before my birthday. :D Anways he's having a party and it's going to be a Chuck E Cheese. Now, we're all 16 or 17, but that place is awesome! I haven't been there in forever thoughh. :P But he was being very difficult and not telling us what he wanted. So my friend asked him a bunch of questions and composed a secret list, which is what we used when we went shopping today. :P And that list is going to be disposed of. I don't even think that list helped. But anyways, he will never know what was written on the list, even though he knew what she was doing when he was answering her questions. :) So I ended up getting him something and so did she, cept I shall not say what on here in case he happens to read this. :)

I finished Girl At Sea today! It was awesome, I loved it! The beginning was just okay for me, but once she actually got to Italy I loooved it! Next shall be Peeps, which I borrowed from my friend a long while ago and it's just been sitting in my room, next to my bed, underneath a big pile of other books. :P

Errrr, that shall be all for today cause I really need to get back to studying.
Bye for now.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day 15: reading FTW!

Kay so yesterday's non existent blog can be explained by the fact that I was sick. D:
I ended up coming home from school early and sleeping for 3 hours, and I HATE missing school. Idk why, but it's been burned into my brain that I can't miss schoool. I'm that annoying kid who goes to school even when they're sick and blowing snot all over the place, so you know it had to have been bad cause I actually came home.

Anyways I'm currently eating lasagne, drinking orange juice and listening to Jai Ho. The version with Sukhwinder Singh, not the pussycat dolls cause this version, imo, is waaay better. :) One thing I don't get is why it's the pussycat dolls FEATURING nicole sczeringer. Kay so I have nooo idea how to spell her last name. And you should go watch Slumdog Millionaire, if you have not. Because that movie is AWESOME!

Ohhh, I started reading Girl At Sea, finally! I've had it for so long, cept I decided that maybe I should finish reading the 5 books I need to read to be able to vote for White Pine before I read that cause I own it. I found the hardcover for $2 at Chapter's which I was amazed at, it also let me to finding a new bargain section there, which is always good. :D But yeah, I shall keep you posted on how it is. I also just finished reading Dooley Takes The Fall, which is a White Pine book and I didn't really like it. I think there was a good idea there, and I kept waiting for it to get good, cause you think it's gonna, but it just doesn't. So it's okay, but not great. And believe me she had the potential to make it amazing, but it wasn't. :P

Finally, my friend Dillon would like another mention. Also, me and him are gonna take over Canada and create a dictatorship. So how this started is that I went up to the front of the class to figure out what topic I'm gonna have for our project and when I get back I'm asked "Do you wanna create a dictatorship with me?" and of course I say "Sure, why not?" Btw I've always been unsure if you put a ? at the end of that cause nobody's sposed to answer, but w.e. Yeah so really I don't see what else I could be doing with my time. :P
Btw, it's clearly a joke.
Yes, so Dillon is a cool kid. :)
Even if he prolly only asked me cause Jennie said no. :P

Monday, April 13, 2009

13! :D

I just really like that number. And there will be a full post tomorrow, maybe, I hope :P
Well, until then, byee. <3

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Day 12: Gah!

Fail. Right after I said there would be more. But uhhh, I'm tired, this is just not a weekend and it's sposed to be, it's sposed to be really long and good and relaxing. D:
Oh well, uhh I don't wanna go an find news stories, but the class is cool, the teacher person just makes it better cause he tells cool stories.
I need a haircut, I'm not gonna get a lot off cause I wanna keep it long and then cut it off to shoulder length after prom. Idk why, but that's what I wanna do and then I'm gonna donate it to angelhair, or whatever the closest place to donate hair near me is. :P
And that shall be all for today.

Friday, April 10, 2009

BEDA fail.

Yes, so that second post on whatever day it was didn't happen, and then the next couple days didn't either. Sorry, but it was a rough week and I just didn't feel like blogging. Nothing really exciting has happen though. I'm taking a defensive driving course for insurance benefits and to get my G2 sooner though. So that means I pretty much have no weekend, even though I was really looking forward to having 4 days off. *sigh*
My friend Dillon wanted me to mention him in my blog so hi Dillon!
What I think I'm gonna start doing with this is find a news story that I like and talk about it, cause my life's not that interesting. :P
Cept not today cause I'm tired.
So that's all for today and there will be more posts for Beda. :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Day 7:

Yaaay, it's a week into BEDA already! :D

Anyways this week's a four day week and next week's 3 1/2 days, so I'm really happy! :D

I love April, so many days off and my school does culture fest! :D

Which is always fun. :)

And it's almost time to vote for White Pine, right now I'm reading my fifth book so as long as I finish this in like 2 weeks I can vote. :)

Honestly, this year's books didn't seem all that great. Like I mentioned Little Brother was awesome! It exceeded all my expectations. This book I'm reading now seems okay, but not amazing.

omgsh, just found out where the drafts go if i don't publish them. this can come in handy. :P


Kay, so I kinda forgot to do a BEDA post yesterday. It's not like anybody reads this so it doesn't really matter. However, to make it up I will make two posts today.
Gah! My hands are freezing, I can barely type. D:
So this post shall be about yesterday and the other post shall be about today. I could just combine them, but then how will I make up for yesterday? :P
I want 30 posts in April! :D
So, yesterday was pretty uninteresting. There was some very unorganized stuff that I was extremely angry about, but it's no longer my problem, so whatever.
Other than that I got a little bit of homework, which I finished while my friend was over so I could just go on the computer and read for the rest of the evening, which is great for me.
So, yes, forgetting yesterday is made worse by the fact that I had extra time on the computer.
I actually did remember, but I was too lazy to turn the computer back on at that point just to blog. :P

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Day 5: Books! :D

Kay so it's the fifth day of BEDA and I really don't have much to write about. Today was a pretty good day, I read a lot of my book and I think I can actually finish it before it's due, which would make me happy cause I still have to read another book to be able to vote for White Pine. And voting's on the 21st I think.
But the book I'm reading is awesome. It's called Little Brother and it's by Cory Doctorow. Pretty much the only reason I took this out and not some shorter book out of the 10 that are nominated for White Pine is cause there is a recommendation by Scott Westerfeld on the cover. :)
I won't bother trying to describe what it's about cause I fail at that kind of stuff so here's a link that'll do it for me:
That description is the exact same that's on the book and it was the first site that came up on Google. :)
I have far too many books to read. D: (This may actually be a good thing, I just have no time.)
Thank goodness I don't have english this semester or it would be horrible.
Damn, I had something else that I meant to say, but I completely forgot. D:

Edit: I remembered! It was that my goal is to read more BEDA blogs and possibly get to know some new people! :D
Also four day weekend next week! :D:D:D:D:D
And the time thing is not right for me on blogger. It's a few hours behind my actual time.
Anybody know how to fix this??

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Day 4:

So I ended up getting home around 1 am last night. I spent like 2 hours sleeping on my friends couch while we waited for our moms to return. :P
But overall it was fun. :)
Not really sure what to talk about since I did pretty much nothing all day.

Something I'm realizing more and more everyday is that nobody ever has to be alone in anything. There will always be someone there for you and if you're really lucky you won't be able to push them away. Whatever your excuse is, you don't want anybody to suffer with you, they don't wanna hear about this, they've got problems of their own, I can do this on my own, etc. Whatever it is, they'll be there. And I'm so glad that I have people like that in my life. They've made everything so much easier for me and I don't know what I would have done if they weren't there. But, what I was getting to before was that everything's a lot harder if you don't let those people in and share what's going on. Sometimes even having someone there that will listen is good enough to ease the burden.

On to my next point. There is someone else out there who is going through the same thing as you, or someone that has gone through the same thing as you. Unless of course you have an extremely unique disease that nobody else does, then you are the only person who's gone/going through that. But the point is if you really feel like nobody understands you chances are that somebody you know has gone through the same thing you're going through. Or is going through that now. You don't have to be alone. Ever. And nobody should have to.

I guess most of this came from the TWLOHA video that's up on their youtube. And what Jamie talks about is how people are meant to be around other people. We are social creatures and solitude just isn't for us. We need people to share our grief with, and we also need people to share our happiness with becuase that's just as important. Which is something else, just because someone is going through a hard time doesn't mean that the happy things shouldn't be held important. That's something I've learned over the past year. Because ignoring your acclomplishments or stuff that makes you happy in a time of sadness will make that time a LOT worse. Obviously it's not gonna be as great as it should be, but that doesn't mean that it should mean nothing.

Right so TWLOHA is To Write Love On Her Arms and I think what they're doing is great. Getting the message out that every life is worth saving and that every story deserves to be heard. And in my opinion a lot of people keep to themselves because they're scared to admit that they're imperfect. I know that everybody knows nobody's perfect, but when somebody thinks that there is something really wrong with them, or that they should feel a certain way, they're really not going to want to talk about that. But keeping things to yourself is a lot more destructive and in the end it's going to be way worse.
By this I don't mean tell everybody, but tell somebody you trust. Somebody that will be able to help you, or just somebody that will listen.

Not really sure if I got what I meant to say across with this message, but yeah, I guess I've just been thinking about stuff :P
And I'm there for anybody who needs me. :)
That's all until tomorrow!

Friday, April 3, 2009


It's been raining all day and I love it! :D It's dark and cold outside, but it's raining so that makes me happy. :) It's perfect weather to curl up in bed or on a couch, or wherever in your house with book and just spend hours reading or doing whatever you love indoors. Another great thing to do it get like hot chocolate or something and get the fireplace going. Which reminds me I love Second Cup. First of all it smells like coffee in there :P and then they have awesome food and drinks. There white hot chocolate it AWESOME! And it's sooo nice in there. Especially the seats by the fire place. Those are the best! Pricier than Tim Hortons, but I still love him. Tim Hortons is good too. I love both. :P
Surprisingly I don't have much homework this weekend except for bio. So I'm going to try and get everything done as soon as possible so I can just relax the rest of the weekend. Possible get some cleaning done in my room. Prolly won't happy, but you never know. I REALLY need to clean my room.
I am currently eating leftover hallowe'en candy. :) You know those hard candies that are strawberry flavoured and come wrapped as a strawberry?? Yeah that kind is like all I have left. Plus a couple lollipops and rockets. But yeah when we went trick-or-treating there was a bunch of us that put our candy together cause we were also going around collecting canned food for trick or food, which something we did with a club at our school that's run by my friend. Anyways we all put our candy together then split it and like you got more of your faves and stuff. Well, apparently no one likes the strawberry candies so I got all of then and I still have a bunch left. And I have no more time cause I have to go to a family friend's house now, but there may be a longer blog tomorrow :P
Bye until then.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day Two of Beda :D

So, this is kinda late again, sorry. I was busy again todaaay.
My friend's surprise birthday thing was awesome. It was just 4 of us and he loved it, he totally didn't know we were doing this.
And seeing him so happy made me happy as well. :)
So, today was a good day.
Watched Twilight again. :P
The more I think about it, the more I realize how ridiculous it all is! D:
But I really liked The Host, it was soooo good!
Much better than Twilight, I recommend that everyone should read it! :D
Uhhh, there really isn't much else to say for now I guess, but tomorrow I am going to a family friend's house and that shall be fun as well.
Gah, still have some physics homework left to do, but tomorrow is a work period, so it should be fine :)
And that's all for now, for anybody who actually reads this.
Bye until tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I didn't forget!

Really, I didn't. I was just busy. :)
Cause I got home at like 4:15 got myself a snack, practised guitar, went to my lesson, went to dollar store, went to a friend's house, got home, ate dinner, then Lie To Me was on and then Bones and then my computer took forever to start.
Which means I didn't forget about BEDA on the first day. :)
Yes, so I really don't know what else to blog about.
I ended up walking to the mall with my friend after school cause my brother brought waaay to many people in the car and we decided the exercise would be good. What we didn't realize is that we haven't exercised in a very, very long time so we were dead tired by the time we got home.
And I've realized why I don't go to the mall very often. I am extremely tempted to by extremely useless stuff. Kay so a lot of it's not useless, it's just stuff that I don't need.
There were books on sale! But I managed to pull myself away and spend the money on my other friend's present like I was supposed to. :P
And there were PEEPS!
Which I have never eaten, but I am determined to eat the this year.
But yeah uhh Happy April Fool's Day. Nobody actually played a prank on me and I haven't heard of any particularly good pranks, so for April 1st it's actually been pretty dull.
That's all I have to say for now. Sorry for the amount of uninteresting stuff in this blog. Maybe there'll be something better tomorrow after we throw our friend a small surprise birthday party. :)